[OS X TeX] Announce: MacTeX-2021 Released

Martin Wilhelm Leidig listwatch at moss.in-berlin.de
Fri Apr 9 20:09:44 EDT 2021


> Am 21-04-10 um 01.35 schrieb Herbert Schulz <herbs at wideopenwest.com>:
>> On Apr 9, 2021, at 5:43 PM, Martin Wilhelm Leidig <listwatch at moss.in-berlin.de> wrote:
>> Am 21-04-05 um 21.57 schrieb Juergen Fenn <jfenn at gmx.net>:
>>> It took 2:49:36 to download, unpack and install all 4000 or so
>>> packages
>> Here about a third of that:
>> ---
>>>> Installing [4166/4166, time/total: 01:00:19/01:00:19]: zztex [147k]
>> Time used for installing the packages: 1:00:20
>> ---
>> Running mktexlsr etc. just took about a minute afterwards, TeXDist-2021 a few seconds.
>> Thanks again!
> Howdy,
> I assume you're talking about the unix install rather than the MacTeX-2021 install.

Sure, as Jürgen did; still running 10.13 for a couple of reasons.  The two lines above were clipped from the Wish window.

> Especially after you mention the TeXDist-2021 install.
> I don't know if you are a TUG member but you eventually get a DVD which has the install on it. Still takes longer than MacTeX-2021 directly but you're not on line all that time.

I’m a Dante member and I have tv cable internet but no non-defective optical storage.  No problem here. :-)


Martin Wilhelm Leidig
Dante Member #1580

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