[OS X TeX] macOS Monterey - broken BBEdit/Skim integration scripts
Michael Sharpe
msharpe at ucsd.edu
Sun Jul 31 20:11:59 EDT 2022
My python3 installation is from python.org, and, yes, the slightly modified scripts do indeed work with Monterey, though the tool script I mentioned is a separate issue that I have not been able to correct.
> On Jul 31, 2022, at 4:22 PM, Richard Seguin <riseguin at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Michael,
> So you got these scripts to actually work with Monterey? If so, did you download a full install of Python 3 from https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2718/ like Adam suggested? (Note: I don’t think I presently have developer tools, if that matters.) And you only made those changes to the top lines and the print statements in the two files?
> By the way, I have to thank you again for all the patience you had a number of years ago guiding me through the process of generating Minion files for TeX from my original postscript files and installing and using them.
> Richard
>> On Jul 31, 2022, at 6:02 PM, Michael Sharpe via MacOSX-TeX <macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu> wrote:
>> For my python 3 setup, I was able to correct parse_log.py and directives.py by changing the first line to
>> #!/usr/bin/env python3
>> and changing each print statement to enclose the argument in parentheses.
>> I also stumbled over a problem with the Check LaTeX Semantics script which incorrectly parses error lines containing "User Regex". Perhaps that may be fixed with a different set of options.
>> To answer your other question, the scripts that Herb referred to earlier do indeed provide full backward and forward synching between BBEdit and the TeXShop pdf previewer. Make sure to follow the setup directions with care.
>> Michael
>>> On Jul 31, 2022, at 3:27 PM, Richard Seguin <riseguin at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>> [This message from Adam did come through directly to my Mail, so maybe my ISP finally got the message that this is not spam.]
>>> Adam,
>>> Thanks for the link to the download! I might install it, at least on a temporary basis, while I’m looking into the migration issue. There is a unix executable in usr/bin called python3, although it’s only about 12 KB in size. I don’t know what this is — just a placeholder of sorts perhaps? I’m not sure if there used to be a file called python or python2 in that spot since I did not look before the upgrade to the operating system.
>>> The integration scripts by Nathan Grigg involves two python files, as far as I’ve discovered so far: parse_log.py and directives.py. Both of these files begin with "#!/usr/bin/python”. As an experiment, with BBEdit I temporarily changed both of these lines to "#!/usr/bin/python3” and I got beyond the original error message to yet another one.
>>> Richard
>>>> On Jul 31, 2022, at 4:12 PM, Adam R. Maxwell via MacOSX-TeX <macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu> wrote:
>>>>> On Jul 31, 2022, at 10:49 , Richard Seguin <riseguin at earthlink.net> wrote:
>>>>> The scripts are an interdependent mix of AppleScript and Python scripts. Apparently in 12.3, Apple removed Python 2 leaving the more secure Python 3, and the removal of Python 2 broke everything. On attempting to typeset I would get the following error message:
>>>> Correction: Apple never shipped Python 3, so there is no longer any version of Python shipped with OS X. Your easy button here is to install Python 2 using the installer package here:
>>>> https://www.python.org/downloads/release/python-2718/
>>>> Caveats about Python 2 being unmaintained, less secure, etc apply, and migrating to Python 3 is probably a good idea. You can also find a binary installer for Python 3 at python.org. Apple ships a lobotomized Python 3 with its developer tools, but don't rely on it for general usage.
>>>> Adam
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