[OS X TeX] arara missing in mactex 2024

Richard Koch koch at uoregon.edu
Tue Jun 4 12:32:05 EDT 2024


MacTeX is notarized by Apple. This requires that all binary files in the distribution be
signed by an Apple developer. Most programs in MacTeX are compiled by me, and signed
as one step in the process.

Arara is a java application, which doesn't need to be
signed because security is provided by the Java program that runs it. However,
Arara contains a precompiled library, which does have to be signed. The
author of that library doesn't sign it, stating that signing is the responsibility
of apps that use the library. The Arara developers were notified of this 
requirement, but were unable to sign the library. So it was removed from
MacTeX 2024.  In 2023, the Arara developers were able to bypass the library,
but it is required in the 2024 version.

TeX Live Utility can be used to install Arara if needed.

Richard Koch

> On Jun 4, 2024, at 9:16 AM, Doris Behrendt via MacOSX-TeX <macosx-tex at email.esm.psu.edu> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I recently installed MacTeX 2024 and the arara folder (in texmf-dist/scripts/arara) is empty, or more exactly, it only contains an empty rules-subfolder.
> Has anyone also found arara.jar/sh and the rules content yaml files missing?
> In 2023 it all is there. I am on Sonoma 14.5 M1 Max.
> Best
> Doris
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