[OS X TeX] [External] Language issue in Bibtex?

Manfred Braun manfred.braun at uni-due.de
Tue Nov 5 16:21:26 EST 2024

You can also override the default language by the command \selectlanguage{...} before invoking the bibliography. If you write, for instance, \selectlanguage{german}, you get the German headline



> On 5. Nov 2024, at 22:45, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu> wrote:
> Thanks, that works.  So I had the right idea, but I should have put “english” at the right, not left, end of the list.   Wow.
>> On Nov 5, 2024, at 15:39, G. M.-S. <lists.gms at gmail.com> wrote:
>> For babel, the main language is the last in the list.
>> In your example, it is Swedish.
>> HTH
>> Guillermo
>> On Tue, 5 Nov 2024 at 21:21, Nitecki, Zbigniew H. <Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu <mailto:Zbigniew.Nitecki at tufts.edu>> wrote:
>>> I have a strange problem for which I’m not even sure how to provide a minimal example.
>>> I’m working on a paper which has references in a number of languages, so my preamble calls babel
>>>> \usepackage[english, german, french, polish, swedish]{babel}
>>> I originally had mainly german and french references (other than english) and so the original version of this command listed only german and french.
>>> Recently, though, I noticed that the heading for my references is not “References” but “Referenser” which I first assumed was German now realize it is more likely Swedish (“reference” is “Referenz” in German but “Referens” in Swedish, and besides the German word is masculine so its plural ends in “-en" 
>>> not “-er").
>>> In any case the heading is wrong.  I tried putting english first in the babel options, but that didn’t help.  Then I trashed my aux files but it didn’t help.
>>> I went and put my .bbl file in trash and that didn’t help.  What other options do I have to correct the heading?  I’m using latex and the article document class
>>>> % !TEX TS-program = latex
>>>> \documentclass{article} 
>>> Zbigniew Nitecki
>>> Professor Emeritus
>>> Department of Mathematics
>>> Tufts University
>>> Medford, MA 02155
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