[PSU Thesis] Penn State LaTeX thesis class and template updated

Gary L. Gray euler at psu.edu
Mon Oct 21 22:38:24 EDT 2013

I have updated my LaTeX class and template for Penn State Masters theses and Doctoral dissertations (notice the Graduate School language there). The template is now at version 1.3.0. Changes to the template are:
Added the cite package.
Give that the Graduate School now allows essentially any line spacing, I have moved the line space setting from psuthesis.cls to this driver file. Go ahead and make it ugly if you want. :-)
Removed \addtocounter{page}{-1} after \psutitlepage is executed. It made the paging of the frontmatter incorrect. I can no longer remember why it was there.
Removed \psusigpage since the Graduate School now provides the signature page.
Added the command \collegesubmittedto to add the College in which the thesis/dissertation has been completed to the title page.
Added instructions for documents that include a single appendix since the Graduate School just hates calling it ``Appendix A'' if there is a single appendix.
Removed the fncychap package since I could not easily find a way to make it work with documents that have a single appendix.
Added the titlesec package so that the user can make the format of the chapter titles a little less boring than LaTeX's default.

The psuthesis.cls file is now at version 2.4.0. Changes include:
Given that the Graduate School now allows essentially any line spacing, I have moved the line space setting from psuthesis.cls to this driver file. Go ahead and make it ugly if you want. :-)
Removed \psusigpage and all associated code (which was a lot) since the Graduate School now provides the signature page.
Added the command \collegesubmittedto to add the College in which the thesis/dissertation has been completed to the title page.
Now load the textcase package to deal with the capitalization of the \documenttype on the committee page.

You can download it at:


If you see any issues or get complaints from the Graduate School about the format (or anything else), please let me know so that I can fix it.

Gary L. Gray, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Engineering Science & Mechanics
409C EES Bldg.
Office: (814) 863-1778

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