[OS X Emacs] automatic label insertion for theorem-like environments in Aquamacs

David Romano romanod at math.grinnell.edu
Sat Feb 27 16:00:56 EST 2010

I found out that Preferences.el is the place to put the lisp code below, 
but would it have been possible to do this using "Customize"?

David Romano

On Fri, 26 Feb 2010, David Romano wrote:

> I've managed to custonmize the reftex label alist so that C-c C-m \label 
> generates a label for theorem-like environments, but I can't get these labels 
> to be generated automatically by using C-c C-e to insert a theorem-like 
> environment.
> I've followed the "Theorem and Axiom" section of the RefTeX manual as closely 
> as possible, but I'm not sure how to alter the variable Latex Mode Hook as it 
> indicates:  There the instructions are to change the .emacs file, but I would 
> rather use "Customize" and it's not clear to me how to translate the lisp 
> code correctly.
> The Latex Mode Hook section looks like this:
> ---
> Latex Mode Hook: Hide Value
> INS DEL preview-mode-setup
> INS DEL smart-dnd-latex
> INS DEL #[nil "\300\301!\207" [TeX-fold-mode t] 2]
> INS DEL LaTeX-install-toolbar
> INS DEL turn-on-bib-cite
> INS DEL turn-on-reftex
>   State: EDITED, shown value does not take effect until you set or save it.
> ---
> and pressing 'INS' only produces an empty text box.  The (sample) lisp code 
> to be added to the .emacs file is:
>     (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
>        (lambda ()
>          (LaTeX-add-environments
>            '("axiom" LaTeX-env-label)
>            '("theorem" LaTeX-env-label))))
> and I've had no luck converting this into a single line of text to put in the 
> text box.  Is there a way to do this? Or is altering the .emacs file the only 
> option?
> Thanks,
> David Romano

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