[OS X Emacs] Re: C-c C-<up>: how to tell Aquamacs to use this shortcut for ess-eval-buffer-from-beg-to-here

Marius Hofert m_hofert at web.de
Sat Sep 10 19:07:34 EDT 2011

Okay, I found something :-) This worked:

;; define shortcuts for eval buffer till/from here
(define-key osx-key-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-<up>") 'ess-eval-buffer-from-beg-to-here)
(define-key osx-key-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-<down>") 'ess-eval-buffer-from-here-to-end)

On 2011-09-11, at 24:03 , Marius Hofert wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to use the new ESS feature for executing R code in a buffer from the beginning to the current cursor position. I saw this feature in Aquamacs (ESS -> ESS Eval -> Eval buffer till here), but there is no key combination given. The desired key is C-c C-<up> (just look for "ess-eval-buffer-from-beg-to-here" in https://svn.r-project.org/ESS/trunk/lisp/ess-mode.el). How can I teach Aquamacs to use this key binding?
> I tried to put the (surrounding) code found on the webpage above into Preferences.el, but I receive an error: Loading `emulate-mac-keyboard-mode': old-style backquotes detected!
> Cheers,
> Marius

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