[OS X TeX] New TeX i-Package release in *EXPERIMENTAL* i-Directory

Matthew Hills hills_tex at tina.stanford.edu
Tue Feb 22 14:34:32 EST 2005

On Feb 22, 2005, at 10:26 AM, Maarten Sneep wrote:

> On 22 feb 2005, at 19:19, Matthew Hills wrote:
>> This Emacs release seems to work fine for me with preview-latex.
> Is that the same one we were discussing this morning?

I'm referring to the Carbon Emacs release that was recently mentioned 
here--I didn't monitor the thread closely enough to see if you guys 
switched to discussing a different version.
( http://home.att.ne.jp/alpha/z123/emacs-mac-e.html )

>> I really like the concept of a partially-rendered document.  I think 
>> it is very helpful in working with my document, as the equations can 
>> actually be read in context while editing the text.
> I can see the appeal, but I can see the emacs mess as well...

Yeah, that is the stumbling block for me as well.
I'm thinking it would be much more approachable in a TeXShop-style 


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