[OS X TeX] OT: LaTeX under Linux?

Bruno Voisin bvoisin at mac.com
Tue Nov 22 11:07:08 EST 2005

Le 22 nov. 05 à 16:38, Gary L. Gray a écrit :

> With this said, a student has asked me about getting a nice (La)TeX  
> installation running under Linux. He says that he has installed  
> teTeX and TeXLive, but still feels that a large number of things  
> (e.g., package, latin modern, etc.) are missing. Can someone point  
> me to some resources that might help get him going with his TeX  
> environment? For example, where does one install local files under  
> Linux? Once they are installed, are there any paths that need to be  
> added to configuration files so that TeX can find these local files?

Hi Gary,

This doesn't answer your question proper, but has your student  
considered experimenting with the beta MikTeX tools for Linux <http:// 

I haven't used MikTeX myself, but I have helped Windows colleagues  
migrate from MS Word to TeX (sometimes with Scientific Word as an  
intermediate step). MikTex made the install and maintenance process a  
breeze, and combined with WinEdt or TeXnicCenter convinced these  
colleagues to migrate.

Bruno------------------------- Info --------------------------
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