[OS X TeX] Emacs 22.92, %! and TeXShop

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Jan 27 06:53:29 EST 2007

Am 27.01.2007 um 11:55 schrieb Jonathan Kew:

> I've been reluctant to jump into this debate, but this is too much!  
> Peter, it is absurd to claim that any file beginning with "%!" is  
> PostScript. It's a hint, a clue, nothing more. PostScript does not  
> "own" those particular two bytes. Emacs's "understanding" in this  
> case is every bit as crude as relying on a file extension. And all  
> your PostScript printer can "tell you" is that everything after the  
> "%" is irrelevant to it; the line is merely a comment, and  
> therefore ignored, as far as it is concerned.

I was exaggerating, certainly. Fact is, that "multi-lingual" printers  
take the %! as the marker for a PostScript print job following.  
Otherwise they would have some trouble to distinguish the stream from  
PCL or ASCII input.

Besides, as claimed before, "%!" starting in the first column of the  
first line of a file is recorded as marker for PostScript code before  
PostScript Level 3. Everyone who comes later should obey.

GNU Emacs' understanding of "%!" is as crude as that of CUPS (was).



"Let's face it; we don't want a free market economy either."
         James Farley, president, Coca-Cola Export Corp., 1959

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