[OS X TeX] Emacs 22.92, %! and TeXShop

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Jan 27 08:00:24 EST 2007

Am 27.01.2007 um 12:53 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

> GNU Emacs' understanding of "%!" is as crude as that of CUPS (was).

I have to correct myself: CUPS still makes that silly test!

How to check this?

Take a small text file of, say, 20 or 30 lines.
Print it.
Now add a new first line like this to it: %!TEX
   (you might write the complete TeXShop statement if you want)
Save the change and print the modified file.

	Are both prints quite the same?

For my printer they are not! In the second case I get white paper  
printer – it isn't PostScript!

The explanations is: when CUPS sees that the (specified) printer is a  
PostScript printer, it wraps the text file into some PostScript code  
that it prints as PostScript. When in the other case CUPS sees it is  
already PostScript, then it passes the data unchanged to the printer.  
And since after the first comment line no PostScript comes, no  
PostScript code is executed and so nothing is printed.



Upgraded:  Didn't work the first time.

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