[OS X TeX] Emacs 22.92, %! and TeXShop

Maarten Sneep maarten.sneep at xs4all.nl
Sat Jan 27 16:40:19 EST 2007

On Jan 27, 2007, at 12:12, Jerome Laurens wrote:

>> The TeX consortium is called TUG, but diversity is its motto.
> Well, can we call a consortium a group of users where absolutely no  
> frontend
> makers are involved...
> Moreover, TUG is US centric, there are many users outside.
> Finally, TUG seems somewhat closed. How can we submit a project to  
> TUG?

And your french is probably better than mine (I sure hope so) http:// 
The NTG and Dante both have room for development, the two have  
commissioned new font sets.

However the focus is on TeX itself, not the front ends, although I  
guess a good project management project proposal, provided it really  
is platform independent, will stand a chance.

>> However, you have write access for the mactextoolbox website. Come up
>> with a description of the (limited) scope, an easy to understand, yet
>> extensible file format, an API written in a portable language (python
>> integrates well with C/Objective-C), and people will use it.
> Hum, who is going to pay for that?

Try above.

> mactextoolbox is deep asleep isn't it?

I prefer the term hibernation.


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