[OS X Emacs] one-buffer-one-frame question

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu Dec 20 04:31:19 EST 2007

I think you guys misunderstand each other. Paul wants to open a new  
frame for some functions, but not in general.

My suggestion would be to turn one-buffer-one-frame-mode on, but then  
use the functions that are provided (such as switch-to-buffer-here) to  
switch the buffer within a frame.

Alternatively, some hackery such as

(fset 'aquamacs-find-file 'find-file-other-frame)

and similar should do the job. Somebody would have to work that out  
for drag&drop actions - they are handled via a keymap, so a simple  
"define-key" should do the job for this.

Perhaps somebody else here can work out the details to help Paul.

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On 20 Dec 2007, at 09:12, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 19.12.2007 um 17:22 schrieb Paul Rathouz:
>> I *would* like Aquamacs to open a new frame when I click on a file  
>> or open a file with the "open" command from Terminal.
> That's easy: open -a Aquamacs\ Emacs <file>
>> Is there anyway to set Aquamacs so that double-clicking or opening  
>> uses, say, the function find-file-other-frame to open that file?
> Create an UTI (Universal Type Identifier) for Aquamacs Emacs. Make  
> the files that you would like to open in Aquamacs Emacs be of that  
> type. Spotlight should be able to reveal some information about UTIs.
> RCDefaultApp, a Preferences Pane, might help, too: http://www.rubicode.com/Software/RCDefaultApp/
> --
> Greetings
>  Pete
> Government is actually the worst failure of civilized man. There has  
> never been a really good one, and even those that are most tolerable  
> are arbitrary, cruel, grasping and unintelligent.
> 				– H. L. Mencken

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