[OS X Emacs] Emacs.app 9.0-rc3 released

Joe Davison halting at comcast.net
Tue Nov 27 19:12:10 EST 2007

Granted, it is an artifact of the compilation process;   still,  I'd  
prefer it not rename it to src/epath.h until it has proved satisfactory.

Seems to me this is another example of the differences in knowledge  
within the emacs community.   There are very few who are  
knowledgeable enough to be able to build emacs for random platforms  
and debug any problems encountered.  The compile script encodes a lot  
of knowledge about the process so that I don't need to know it.

I've been using emacs for over 25 years.  I have a working knowledge  
of most of the technologies involved (C, lisp, elisp, makefiles, CVS,  
unix...) in building emacs.app.  Nonetheless, I have no desire to  
invest the time to integrate all that information so I can build  
emacs.app without the compile script.
I'm getting tired of climbing learning curves.   I'm happy to  
contribute as I can without having to spend signficant time learning  
details I only need for that purpose.   The compile script goes a  
long way to reducing the learning curve and making it possible for  
others, like me, to contribute.


On Nov 27, 2007, at 3:29 PM, Peter Dyballa wrote:

> Am 27.11.2007 um 11:57 schrieb Peter Dyballa:
>> And 'make *clean' need to remove src/epath.h-orig!
> This is nonsense! The whole pomp only exists because of the compile  
> script. Usually one directly invokes
> 	./configure ...
> and then
> 	make bootstrap
> So when because of the compile script src/epath.h-orig is created,  
> compile should remove it by renaming to src/epath.h when  
> compilation has finished.
> --
> Greetings
>   Pete
> If you're not confused, you're not paying attention.
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