[OS X Emacs] Emacs.app 9.0-rc3 released

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Nov 28 04:24:09 EST 2007

Am 28.11.2007 um 06:37 schrieb Adrian Robert:

> On this subject, Peter I notice there is an --enable-locallisppath
> argument handled in emacs/configure.in.  Is there some reason we
> couldn't use this in some way instead of the compile script
> modification?

You mean to use --enable-local-lisp-path=<some value> among  
NS_CFG_OPTS? This fails with paths containing space characters as in  
``/Library/Application Support/Emacs´´. I have no idea how to pass  
this space as the part of a valid path name to the configure script ...

IMO a final statement like

	if [ -f ../src/epaths.h-orig ]; then
	    mv ../src/epaths.h-orig ../src/epaths.h

would allow to 'patch' src/epaths.h every compile time anew. This  
should also be part of a trap in case compilation process is  
interrupted or it failed to assure that all temporary changes are  



Windows, c'est un peu comme le beaujolais nouveau: à chaque nouvelle  
cuvée on sait que ce sera dégueulasse, mais on en prend quand même,  
par masochisme.

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