[OS X Emacs] customizations.el on aquamacs

sergio_101 sergiolist at village-buzz.com
Wed Dec 10 00:53:30 EST 2008

David Reitter <david.reitter at gmail.com> writes:

> Start from an empty customization file, ideally, and use org-mode to
> demonstrate this problem.

hi, david..

i have tried this with a whole bunch of different permutations of adding
or deleting files and customizations.. i don't think it has anything to
do with org-mode. 

it just seems like it randomly happens after about a day of usage.. and
then when it does, it happens every time..

here is a play by play:

1. delete everything in customizations.el
2. set up options then save.
3. do anything in any package that modifies customizations.el
4. some random (but around 5 times) use will start erasing chunks of
customizations.el . even those seem random.
5. you can do this all day,  with a copy of the buffer open, and watch
it delete chunks. 
6. marvel at how strange this is..


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