[OS X Emacs] Saving without Resource Fork

Joshua Smith jesmith at kaon.com
Wed Feb 6 10:32:42 EST 2008

Sensible as long as I can override it with a setq.  In my workflow,  
if I want to open a file in Emacs, I always C-x C-f it open.  If I'm  
clicking it in the Finder, there is 0 chance that I want to open it  
in Emacs.  But I'm sure that's just me.


On Feb 6, 2008, at 10:26 AM, David Reitter wrote:

> On 6 Feb 2008, at 14:54, Joshua Smith wrote:
>> Regardless, I think Emacs is different from those editors, because  
>> it is universal.  You can edit binaries in hex, you can edit ZIP  
>> archives, etc.  The best answer would be that if I open a file  
>> which has a creator code, that when I save, it writes that same  
>> creator code out.  But short of that, not writing a creator code  
>> at all is definitely preferable.
> Sounds reasonable. If a file is created in Aquamacs, I would still  
> want to write the creator code. Sensible?
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