[Aquamacs-devel] [OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Emacs 1.3rc2 (Release Candidate 2)

Jochen Küpper jochen at fhi-berlin.mpg.de
Thu Feb 7 05:25:25 EST 2008

On 06.02.2008, at 19:37, David Reitter wrote:

> On 6 Feb 2008, at 15:57, Jochen Küpper wrote:
>> However, when I press A-q Aquamacs simply shuts down. I would expect
>> it to ask
>>  (yes-or-no-p "Do you really wanna quit? ")
> Well that's a different story.

Well, it isn't... ;-)

Anyway, thanks for pointing this out... My real jk/save-buffers-kill- 
emacs does more than just asking this question, but, obviously, I can  
put all that functionality into the predicate function that I assign  
to confirm-kill-emacs.

So the hint about this variable is really the general solution to  
capturing an initiated quit, no matter which way it comes...

Thanks for your help!

Einigkeit und Recht und Freiheit                http://www.Jochen-Kuepper.de
     Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité                GnuPG key: CC1B0B4D
         Sex, drugs and rock-n-roll

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