[OS X Emacs] pdfsync in 1.3

Arthur Ogus ogus at Math.Berkeley.EDU
Mon Feb 25 22:09:51 EST 2008

On Feb 25, 2008, at 1:01 PM, Jochen Küpper wrote:

I noticed the following message in the log file:

pdfTeX warning: pdflatex (file /usr/local/gwTeX/texmf.local/fonts/map/ 
dmap/pdftex.map): ambiguous entry for `Wed': font file present but  
not included
, will be treated as font file not present

Usually this didn't cause any problem, so I ignored it.  Furthermore  
it was hard
to believe that a missing font would cause an error locating the  
when doing find next error, but finally I became desperate and  
decided to look into it.
The problem was with a homemade map file, which had  line beginning
"Wed" which should have been commented out.

I'll try to help more if it seems that your problem really is related  
to mine,
which bugged me for months.



> Dear Arthur,
> On 25.02.2008, at 18:59, Arthur Ogus wrote:
>> Congrats on 1.3's release.  I detected and eliminated the trigger  
>> of the auctex bug in my configuration.  It was a corrupted font.
> I might be seeing the same "bug" with my Aquamacs.
> Can you please provide some details of the "corrupted font" and  
> what you did to fix it? Thank you very much in advance.
>>> On 23 Feb 2008, at 19:33, Arthur Ogus wrote:
>>>> Also, there is a nasty bug in auctex that I keep getting bitten  
>>>> by (involving losing track of the master file when doing error  
>>>> searches) that may be fixed in more recent builds of auctex.  Is  
>>>> there any news?
> Greetings,
> Jochen
> -- 
> A: Yes.
> > Q: Are you sure?
> >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
> >>> Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?
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