[OS X Emacs] EOF error running XeTeX+AUCTeX+Emacs

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sun Jan 13 05:13:11 EST 2008

Am 13.01.2008 um 02:24 schrieb pdfinn:

> Thanks Pete for the code you sent setting TeX-command-list to  
> include XeTeX---it
> looks like what I need (though I'm starting a new thread at this  
> point).  I've
> worked the code quoted below into my .emacs, but when I run a XeTeX  
> command
> through AUCTeX on a file I get the following:
> Running `XeTeX' on `foobar' with ``%`xetex\nonstopmode%' foobar.tex''
> /bin/sh: -c: line 1: unexpected EOF while looking for matching ``'
> /bin/sh: -c: line 2: syntax error: unexpected end of file
> XeTeX exited abnormally with code 2 at Sat Jan 12 16:17:29

There is something different. I get in the *... output* buffer:

	Running `XeTeX' on `AAT-info' with ``xetex -interaction=nonstopmode  
"\input" AAT-info.tex''
	This is XeTeX, Version 3.141592-2.2-0.997 (Web2C 7.5.6)
	entering extended mode
	(./AAT-info.tex [1] )
	Output written on AAT-info.pdf (1 page).
	Transcript written on AAT-info.log.
	XeTeX finished at Sun Jan 13 10:47:23

This does not seem to come from my post ...

In TeX menu -> Customise AUCTeX you can select to Extend this Menu.  
Upon next entry you'll see much more entries. Choose from TeX menu ->  
Customise AUCTeX -> TeX Command -> TeX Command list…. Now you'll see  
all the *TeX commands. Compare XeTeX with some other TeX. I have:

Tex Command List: Hide Value
             Command: %`xetex%(mode)%' %t
             How: Value Menu TeX-run-TeX
                         Create a process for NAME using COMMAND to  
format FILE with TeX.
             Prompt: Toggle  off (nil)
             Modes: Value Menu Set:
             [X] Plain TeX
             [ ] LaTeX
             [ ] DocTeX
             [X] ConTeXt
             [X] Texinfo
             [X] AmSTeX
             Menu elements:
             INS DEL Lisp expression: :help
             INS DEL Lisp expression: "Run XeTeX with xdvipdfmx driver"
INS DEL Name: XeTeXx
             Command: %`xetex -output-driver=xdv2pdf%(mode)%' %t
             How: Value Menu TeX-run-TeX
                         Create a process for NAME using COMMAND to  
format FILE with TeX.
             Prompt: Toggle  off (nil)
             Modes: Value Menu Set:
             [X] Plain TeX
             [ ] LaTeX
             [ ] DocTeX
             [X] ConTeXt
             [X] Texinfo
             [X] AmSTeX
             Menu elements:
             INS DEL Lisp expression: :help
             INS DEL Lisp expression: "Run XeTeX with xdv2pdf driver"
             Command: %`xelatex%(mode)%' %t
             How: Value Menu TeX-run-TeX
                         Create a process for NAME using COMMAND to  
format FILE with TeX.
             Prompt: Toggle  off (nil)
             Modes: Value Menu Set:
             [ ] Plain TeX
             [X] LaTeX
             [X] DocTeX
             [ ] ConTeXt
             [ ] Texinfo
             [X] AmSTeX
             Menu elements:
             INS DEL Lisp expression: :help
             INS DEL Lisp expression: "Run XeLaTeX with xdvipdfmx  
INS DEL Name: XeLaTeXx
             Command: %`xelatex -output-driver=xdv2pdf%(mode)%' %t
             How: Value Menu TeX-run-TeX
                         Create a process for NAME using COMMAND to  
format FILE with TeX.
             Prompt: Toggle  off (nil)
             Modes: Value Menu Set:
             [ ] Plain TeX
             [X] LaTeX
             [X] DocTeX
             [ ] ConTeXt
             [ ] Texinfo
             [X] AmSTeX
             Menu elements:
             INS DEL Lisp expression: :help
             INS DEL Lisp expression: "Run XeLaTeX with xdv2pdf driver"

I wonder whether checking ConTeXt is correct ... Anyway, save your  
work first by only pressing the "Set for current session" button and  
try to XeTeX a file. If this succeeds, then you'll can press the  
"Save for future sessions" button. The Local Variables block at the  
end of the file can include the TeX command:

	%%% Local Variables:
	%%% mode: TeX
	%%% TeX-command-default: "XeTeXx"
	%%% coding: utf-8
	%%% TeX-master: t
	%%% End:



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