[OS X Emacs] spell checking - once more

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 05:45:11 EST 2008

On 15 Jan 2008, at 10:01, Alex Hamann wrote:
>> You could have a look at the function `aquamacs--configure-aspell'  
>> and modify it to find more dictionaries. Send me a patch when  
>> you're done!
> This is not the ispell configuration in Aquamacs' preferences you  
> are talking about, right? How do I invoke that function?

No, I was talking about modifying the actual source code of the  
function. This may involve learning a bit about ELisp, but it's not  
nearly as complicated as it may look at first. There are plenty of  
references online and also included with Aquamacs (e.g. the Emacs Lisp  
Reference, and the Tutorial).

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