[OS X Emacs] Migration from TeXShop to Aquamacs Emacs

kbmail at free.fr kbmail at free.fr
Wed Jul 2 16:54:41 EDT 2008

Thank you for your replies Peter, I guess you're quite strong with  

First, I have to say I'm a bit frightened... I'm a mac user! ;-)  
Seriously, I'm a bit affraid by changing the encoding of my files  
since I already wrote some 250 pages of my thesis on TeXShop with its  
default encoding (Western Mac OS Roman), with many packages (I wrote  
a style 'kb-these_book.sty' including 26 packages), many includes,  
and Mac OS provides several "natural" features for mac-roman encoded  
files, as previews of the text in finder windows... I'm working on  
macintoshes (for more than a decade) and I work alone on my source  
files: there's no compatibility problems with other people/platforms...

So I need you tell me the reasons why you seem to prefer that one  
leave the mac-roman encoding while we're on Mac OS, and, if you will,  
whether you think I should leave this encoding now that you know more  
about my particular case (which is probably the case of some other TS- 
 >AE switchers).

Also: what's xelatex, and is it compatible with latex2e files? (I  
read "%%% TeX-command-default: "XeLaTeX" in your first reply; I've  
been using pdftex until now).

It's a lot of questions, but never know, if you've got some time... ;-)


> Le 2 juil. 08 à 20:12, Peter Dyballa a écrit :
> Am 02.07.2008 um 16:59 schrieb kbmail:
>> I see "__CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x1F5:0:1", but I can't figure out  
>> its meaning... any idea? How Emacs deals with it?
> This is only meaningful for Mac OS X.
> Now thinking that you want Emacs to go into Mac-Roman mode I  
> finally see that this can't be accomplished via LC_CTYPE: there is  
> no locale defined for this "classical" encoding. It might work with
> 	(set-language-environment '<something with Mac-Roman>)
> but it's just nonsense. Instead you either could set, as  
> recommended, a default encoding for all TeX related files, or, much  
> better IMO, you should set TeX Shop to prefer another default  
> encoding. See its preferences pane. It offers some Latin (ISO 8859- 
> x) and UTF encodings. Such are also provided by Mac OS X ('locale - 
> a | grep -i iso' or 'locale -a | grep -i utf', maybe both augmented  
> with a 'grep fr | ' after the first 'locale -a' part, in Emacs'  
> *shell* buffer). When shell environment and TeX Shop settings match  
> each other, then you could set in some bash RC file  
> (~/.bash_profile maybe)
> 	export LC_CTYPE=fr_FR.ISO8859-15
> to have the € at hand. Your LaTeX file will need to use
> 	\usepackage[latin9]{inputenc}
> 	%\usepackage[full]{textcomp}
> to translate the contents correctly.
> --
> Greetings
>   Pete
> If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
> 				– George W. Bush

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