[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs file position

Tom Van Vleck thvv at multicians.org
Wed Jul 30 15:32:26 EDT 2008

I notice in Aquamacs 1.4 that opening a previously opened
.html file does not position the cursor at the top.

One might think that Aquamacs would put point where it was when
the file was last closed. But no.

I was editing in Aquamacs, one-buffer-one-frame mode OFF,
with the window split horizontally and multiple tabs open in the upper
pane.  Cursor was in the upper pane.
I did "open -a /applications/Emacs myfile" in Terminal, and the
file opened in a new tab in the upper pane.
I positioned point to 895, modified, saved, closed the buffer with
flower-w, which closed the tab.  Reopened, and point was at 31550.
It seems to like 31550 for this file no matter where point was
when i saved.

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