[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs and applescript

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue May 13 06:46:03 EDT 2008

On 13 May 2008, at 10:01, Daniel Stegmueller wrote:

> Hello List,
> I have a function using applescript to copy marked parts of a file  
> into an external application.  It worked with (Carbon) Emacs but  
> does not work with Aquamacs.
> Is there an obvious error that I am missing?

Yes, your code is buggy.
The code relies on `copy-region-as-kill' to copy text into the system- 
wide pasteboard, which it only does if certain other conditions are  

The code below should do what you want.
I don't have Stata (I'm an R person), so I couldn't test the whole  

- Dave

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(defun ado-send-region-to-Stata ()
   (clipboard-kill-ring-save (point) (mark))
   (do-applescript "try \r tell application \"Finder\" \r set  
theDummyDo to (((path to desktop folder) as text) & \".eraseme.do\")  
\r set theContents to the clipboard \r if not (the last character of  
theContents = return) then \r set theContents to theContents & return  
\r end if \r end tell \r try \r set the open_target_file to open for  
access file theDummyDo with write permission \r set eof of the  
open_target_file to 0 \r write theContents to the open_target_file  
starting at eof \r close access the open_target_file \r on error \r  
try \r close access file theDummyDo \r end try \r end try \r tell  
application \"StataSE\" \r activate \r open file theDummyDo \r end  
tell \r on error error_message number error_number \r return \"Error:  
\" & error_number & \". \" & error_message & return \r end try"))

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