[OS X Emacs] Re: MacOSX-Emacs Digest, Vol 13, Issue 9

Roland Whitehead rolandw at mac.com
Fri Nov 14 03:21:53 EST 2008

Thomas, David,

On 13 Nov 2008, at 20:00, in macosx-emacs-request at email.esm.psu.edu  
you wrote:

> I have the subsequent two commands in my preferences file
> (setq text-mode-hook (quote (turn-off-auto-fill)))
> (add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 'turn-off-auto-fill)
> and the subsequent
> (unless (fboundp 'auto-detect-longlines) (defun auto-detect-longlines
> () t))

> Easy, because there's a customization variable.
> (setq auto-word-wrap-default-function 'turn-on-word-wrap)
> in your Preferences.el, or you use a customization buffer to set this
> to `turn-on-word-wrap'.
> The other solution posted will work, but it will not turn on soft word
> wrap, and it disables Aquamacs' ability to recognize files that should
> have auto-fill enabled.

Many many thanks for your suggestions, both of you. David, yours was  
interesting because I had already tried that in the Aquamacs  
Preferences and had no change at all. I tried adding the line to my  
preferences.el and that didn't make much difference either.

So I stepped back to Thomas's suggestion and added it all in to my  
preferences.el file (the line "  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could  
mess it up, so be careful." in customizations.el keeps me away!) and  
it does what I think it should do.

I'm going to have another go with David's suggestion on a vanilla  
install of my favourite ext editor. If it doesn't work there then  
perhaps something is overriding it elsewhere in the Aquamacs  
preferences stack.

Many thanks

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