[OS X Emacs] M-x shell and file names with umlauts

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue Oct 7 16:30:49 EDT 2008

Peter Dyballa:

>> Originally I was thinking of just modifying what M-x shell does,  
>> but of course one could consider this.
> This can be done by ~/.emacs_<shell interpreter> ...

??  I was going to do it in an internal file.

> Other processes started from Emacs should also live in an UTF-8  
> environment. Otherwise it would be confusing. And what the *shell*  
> buffer offers should also be available in *term* or *eshell* buffers.

Right.  How would one set the process coding system default?  `set- 
process-coding-system' sets it for a specific process.  Or would this  
be a matter of changing the (Default) Language Environment?
I'm a bit worried that changing this may have far-reaching  
consequences... A lot of processes get started by Emacs, from i/aspell  
to interpreters like Lisp...

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