[OS X Emacs] Dynamic window positioning in Aquamacs

Adrian adrian.down at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 13:46:17 EDT 2008

"Roll your own" is definitely not what I was hoping to hear :-(.  I have no
knowledge of lisp nor any desire to learn for the sole sake of implementing
behaviour that Emacs should support by default.  If I were good enough to
edit the source, I would have abolished the infernal scratch buffer long
Smart positioning seems to be confusing the window positioning whether it is
turned on or off.  Even when it is turned off, I have to specify both
"default-" and "initial-frame-alist" parameters for my specifications to
take any effect.  Shouldn't I be able to specify these parameters

Unless anyone else has any suggestions, I'm going to have to relegate this
to the "recurring annoyances" category as I don't have the time to fully
debug it right now.

BTW, if anyone has any suggestions for a hack whereby I never have to see
the scratch buffer again, I would greatly appreciate it.  Perhaps this is a
subject for another post though...


2008/10/10 David Reitter <david.reitter at gmail.com>

> On 10 Oct 2008, at 12:42, Adrian wrote:
>  I'm trying to configure Aquamacs so that new windows (aka emacs "frames")
>> will pop up in a tiled fashion.  I know Aquamacs has a tiling option, but I
>> don't want the Aquamacs windows to use the entire screen and I don't want to
>> have to retile every time I open another window.  Basically, I want to be
>> able to specify the default position of windows without having all
>> subsequent windows open in the exact same location.
> I don't know if your code can achieve what you want, but you're probably
> best off modifying (redefining) the function `find-good-frame-position' (see
> smart-frame-positioning.el).
> That'll give you the best access, and you can reuse the remaining
> smart-frame-positioning infrastructure.  And if you come up with good code,
> we can even integrate it in Aquamacs.
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