[OS X Emacs] Dynamic window positioning in Aquamacs

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Fri Oct 10 14:22:18 EDT 2008

On 10 Oct 2008, at 13:46, Adrian wrote:

> "Roll your own" is definitely not what I was hoping to hear :-(.  I  
> have no knowledge of lisp nor any desire to learn for the sole sake  
> of implementing behaviour that Emacs should support by default.

You can learn, and it's not too hard.

If I hadn't learned to do Lisp, you would probably be using a  
different piece of software to edit your stuff... But I appreciate  
that very few people seem to be willing to spend time on improving  
free software.
If you can't find anyone who will write you the code you need, then  
get in touch by e-mail and I'll either let you know an hourly rate, or  
put you in touch with Elisp savvy people who can do this in a couple  
of paid-for hours.

>  If I were good enough to edit the source, I would have abolished  
> the infernal scratch buffer long ago.

Out of interest, is it the *scratch* buffer that annoys you, or the  
persistency across sessions?  Or just the fact that it's always shown  
when you start up Aquamacs?

> Smart positioning seems to be confusing the window positioning  
> whether it is turned on or off.  Even when it is turned off, I have  
> to specify both "default-" and "initial-frame-alist" parameters for  
> my specifications to take any effect.  Shouldn't I be able to  
> specify these parameters separately?

Yes, you should be able to, and they have slightly different meanings  
as documented.
> BTW, if anyone has any suggestions for a hack whereby I never have  
> to see the scratch buffer again, I would greatly appreciate it.   
> Perhaps this is a subject for another post though...

Well, very hacky:

(run-with-idle-timer 0.2 nil (lambda () (let ((one-buffer-one-frame  
t)) (with-current-buffer "*scratch*" (kill-buffer-and-window )))))

You may see another buffer (*Messaged* for instance) in some instances  
though...  Emacs cannot not display any buffer in a window.

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