[OS X Emacs] scratch and scratch <2>

Ivan Werning iwerning at gmail.com
Wed Oct 15 01:31:45 EDT 2008


I'm having trouble with my emacs. everytime I open Aquamacs 1.5 (but  
this started happening with 1.3) I am getting scratch opening in a new  
frame, even if I closed it before (which I wish I could avoid, but I  
know there are some issues with that...) AND a scratch <2> buffer  
opened in another frame (sometimes as a tab along with other buffers  
of mine).

I close the buffer and frame, to no avail... next time I open aquamacs  
I get them again!

How do I control this scratch behavior. In particular, how can I  
reduce the bother to just one scratch buffer? If not to zero 0? :D



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