[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Emacs 1.5 released

C. R. Oldham cro at ncbt.org
Mon Sep 22 17:36:46 EDT 2008


I am using Aquamacs for Rails development successfully under the 1.4  
releases.  The setup I use combines ECB, Flymake, ruby-mode, nxhtml- 
mode and a few other packages.  After upgrading to 1.5 when I scroll  
up and down in a buffer with the up and down arrow keys, the Emacs  
cursor is behaving very strangely.  Sometimes it will get "stuck" in a  
block of code, meaning when the cursor reaches the top or bottom of an  
arbitrary chunk of code instead of continuing to scroll up or down it  
will "warp" to the other end of the chunk.  Other times the cursor  
will pop around from the code window (Emacs window, not Mac OS window)  
to the directory tree to the files window.  This is very annoying.  Am  
I the only one seeing this?

I've checked to see if there are updated versions of the packages I  
use, but ECB hasn't been updated in a long time, and the underlying  
packages (cedet 1.0p4 containing eieio, speedbar, semantic, etc)  
haven't seen recent releases either.

I've backed off to 1.4 for now.  Suggestions?


On Sep 22, 2008, at 8:59 AM, David Reitter wrote:

> Aquamacs Emacs 1.5 is now available for download.  Aquamacs is a  
> variant of the widespread editor Emacs, adapted for comfortable use  
> on Mac OS X.  Aquamacs Emacs is free software.
> The new version introduces soft word wrapping, numerous bug fixes  
> and improvements.  The installation is recommended to all users.
> For the 53MB download, visit  http://aquamacs.org/download.shtml
> --
> http://aquamacs.org -- Aquamacs: Emacs on Mac OS X
> http://aquamacs.org/donate -- Could we help you? Return the favor  
> and support the Aquamacs Project! 
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