[OS X Emacs] aquamacs 1.9 and skim

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Fri Dec 11 13:45:42 EST 2009

On Dec 11, 2009, at 12:32 PM, Arthur Ogus wrote:

> Dear folks
> Since some people are confused by this, I wonder if I should somehow post my own little snippet,
> which binds C-c C-v to a command which opens Skim, in the correct place in the document.
> Actually it's convenient to do this if you don't want to use the mouse.

I advise against reimplementing the machinery that is already there (and was painfully tested).
Calling (TeX-command  "Jump To PDF" 'TeX-master-file) should work just fine, however, and rebinding C-c C-v is safe, of course.  (I guess that's what you wanted.)

There is better way to do this, though, via AUCTeX's customization.  Change `TeX-command-list'  to reassign the "View" entry to exactly what is shown for the "Jump to PDF" entry.  This is the intended way to customize this the way you want.

I think in Aquamacs 2.x we can change the behavior and perhaps create a SyncTeX/Skim minor mode (with menu entry) that will do the right thing and call Skim when the "View" command is executed.  The menu item would be grayed out (and the mode not functional) if Skim is not installed.  By default, the minor mode would be turned on.
That's all pretty easy to do - would you be able to write a patch?

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