[OS X Emacs] Newbie question: Aquamacs autoscroll in second frameor buffer

Christian Liesen christian.liesen at hfh.ch
Fri Feb 27 16:33:44 EST 2009

Hi David,

many thanks for this hint and the quick reply. Unfortunately, the  
problem persists.

I send code to R with C-c C-j, C-c C-p and C-c C-b. I followed your  
advice to call R with M-x R, but to no avail. It does not scroll, no  
matter where I open it (separate frame or split view or another tab)  
or if I open it first or second. I erased all customization in all  
groups, too, but there is no difference.

Anything else I could try?

Many thanks,

Am 27.02.2009 um 18:40 schrieb David Reitter:

> Hi Christian,
> On 27 Feb 2009, at 12:04, Christian Liesen wrote:
> > I began working with Aquamacs only last week and hope that someone
> > can point me to a solution for auto-scrolling other frames or
> > buffers. I'm lost.
> >
> > What I do is this:
> >
> > -- open Aquamacs
> > -- open a file with R syntax in a first frame
> > -- open a "New Buffer in New Frame", start R in that second frame
> >
> > Everything works fine except that the second frame with R does not
> > autoscroll. In order to see the results of the commands I'm sending
> > from the syntax frame, I always have to switch to the R frame,
> > scroll down to see the output, then go back again to the syntax
> > frame. This is getting pretty tiresome over time.
> Starting R with M-x R, and executing code with C-c C-j, the R buffer
> always scrolls to the bottom after execution - as you would want it.
> How do you execute your code?
> --
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