[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Upgrade Loses Font Options

Ken Mankoff mankoff at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 11:49:05 EDT 2009

Hi Aquamacs List,

I just upgraded from Aquamacs 1.5 (based on GNU Emacs 22.3.2) to 
Aqumacs 1.7 (based on 22.3.1). All my font face and theme options 
seem to be ignored.

If I run the old version the colors I had chosen are used, so they 
are in the preferences file, they are just not being respected by 
the current version, or new defaults have been installed so my "use 
as default" isn't being defaulted to.

I've noticed this with past upgrades too. Any advice on how to use 
my existing default themes with an upgrade?


   Ken Mankoff

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