[OS X Emacs] Re: Aquamacs Cursor movement and word wrapping: C-e, C-a, C-n, C-p

Tom Van Vleck thvv at multicians.org
Fri Apr 23 18:54:36 EDT 2010

On Apr 23, 2010, at 5:30 PM, David Reitter wrote:
> Note that visual-line-mode is almost always off (by default) -  
> unless you load a text file that is recognized to use long lines, or  
> create a new text-mode buffer (and word wrapping is turned on there  
> automatically).

This is not what I saw.
I launched Emacs 23.1.1 on my Fedora machine.
It came up in a *scratch* buffer.
I did C-x C-f goo to look for a nonexistent file.
goo's buffer was in Fundamental mode.
Configure Emacs showed "line-move-visual" was ON.

Furthermore, the "load a text file that is recognized to use long lines"
strikes me as dangerous.  You're saying that when I edit
file A a macro might work, but if I edit file B it would
fail or run amok, depending on some heuristic guess about
how long is "too long" a line, or "how many" long lines
trigger the condition.  And all of this will be switched
on or off without any visible indication.  This feature will
lead to more confusion.  It is an example of an anti-anti hack.

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