[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs doesn't

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Thu May 13 09:39:34 EDT 2010

On May 13, 2010, at 9:18 AM, Normen Müller wrote:
> May be you have some time to have a look at my customizations.  I have attached by ``~/.emacs'' and ``customization ``~/Library/Preferences/Aquamacs Emacs/customizations.el''.  If you have some time, please note that I have deleted ``aquamacs-call-viewer'', deleted ``Preview'' and put ``'(TeX-output-view-style (quote (("^pdf$" "." "open -a Skim.app %o"))))'' instead.  But I would like to have the default settings back with adapted customizations.

To return to default settings, just delete the relevant forms from your customization files.  In the case of customizations.el, I would generally recommend you delete the whole file (and re-add the two or three customizations that you actually need), unless you know some Emacs Lisp.  

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