[OS X Emacs] Turn off *scratch* buffer when Aquamacs starts

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Tue May 18 15:56:44 EDT 2010

On May 18, 2010, at 3:41 PM, Harsha Attanayake wrote:

> David,
> Sorry about that. The command I type in terminal:
> 	aqua filename &
> I have an alias in my home directory in file .cshrc as
> 	alias aqua 'open /Applications/Aquamacs.app/'
> and works fine.

Well, it obviously does _not_ work fine.

The command above instructs your system to open two items.  The first is the application, and the second one is the file (using whatever application is bound to that file or file type). 

Look up the man page for "open" and you'll find a better way.  Look up the command-line tool for Aquamacs (Tools menu) and you'll find a great way.

> When Aquamacs opens up it opens *scratch* in first tab and my file in the second tab. Also, when I include (kill-buffer "*scratch*") in Preference.el it opens *Message* in a separate frame (window) and does not open scratch in a tab.

Sounds logical to me.

> Moreover, if I start up Aquamacs by double clicking the icon then it opens a *scratch* frame. Then if I go on to open a file through File>open file... it would open up in tab 2 and the scratch is still there in tab 1.

Yes, as intended.

Even with the above fix, I'm not sure, of course, if the scratch buffer isn't shown in a tab, but I seem to recall that Emacs doesn't show it when a file is given as an argument to the application.  Let me know if fixing your open command helps; otherwise I'll dig and try to fix the bug.

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