[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs 2.2 .emacs.el fails after OS X 10.6 upgrade

Jack Repenning jrepenning at collab.net
Tue Apr 19 01:06:02 EDT 2011

On Apr 18, 2011, at 7:53 PM, Emil Marceta wrote:

> The ~/.emacs.el fails to load and produces the following error in the
> minibuffer: "Symbol's function definition is void: :name", and after
> clicking on the frame the next message is "<ns-application-activated>
> is undefined".

The first thing I do in such cases is go to the buffer "*Messages*" after the startup fails. This will hold a lot more info about what has gone on during the failed start-up. You'll find your "Symbol's function definition is void" message there, again. Look at the few lines just before that to find which files were loaded, and anything they've printed out in the way of progress reports. Then look into those files for some cause for the problem.

The message suggests a syntax error has crept into one of your start-up files. For instance, this code would cause that error:

(defun foo nil

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