[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs does not respect color scheme

Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll juanjose.garciaripoll at gmail.com
Tue Nov 15 15:59:43 EST 2011

I am using Aquamacs in various machines, tried with both stable and
unstable builds. In all copies I have problems with the solarized
color theme,
colors-solarized While the theme loads fine and changes colors, the
final colors do not correspond at all with the original ones.

I have created a screenshot demonstrating this.

On the left you see Aquamacs, in the center Emacs from an X session
running in another computer, on the right the solarized webpage. The
right and middle windows share the same color scheme. The Aquamacs
version does not respect the background color and also fails at using
the proper colors for the fonts.

This is a bit annoying and I have no idea how to debug it. I have
tried cleaning up my settings without success. Reinstalling Aquamacs
does not help at all. Help would be appreciated


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