[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs does not respect color scheme

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Wed Nov 16 12:18:52 EST 2011

On Nov 16, 2011, at 8:54 AM, Juan Jose Garcia Ripoll wrote:
> The problem is not at all with X11, but it seems to be with
> Aquamacs (or Emacs on Cocoa if I am right). The middle and right
> windows show an X11 and a Google Chrome browser. If you take a look at
> the picture and analyze it with Apple's Digital Color Meter you will
> see that only X11 and the browser have the right RGB values for the
> background and for the fonts. Aquamacs, on the other hand, has lighter
> colors on both fonts and background.

Now I understand, thank you for clarifying this.

I notice that when you change the color model in DigitalColor Meter from "native" to "generic RGB", I get a slightly closer match of the RGB values.  In Aquamacs, I do M-x list-colors, in the Color Meter, I switch to View->Values->Hex.  This seems to be a convenient way to test this.  But even in Generic RGB, magenta1 (FF00FF) gives me F906FF.

One thing you can try is to change all occurrences of "colorWithCalibratedRed:" in src/nsterm.m to "colorWithDeviceRed:".
Also, delete the file ~/Library/Colors/Emacs.clr before you run your new build.
This has given me slightly improved results, but still not the right ones.

Second, this is nothing that is specific to Aquamacs, but rather a Cocoa/NS bug.  No reason to not fix it, of course.
I find this bug:


The discussion there is enlightening and shows that the X11 variant is, possibly, at fault.
I do agree with some of the respondents there that sRGB should be considered, and that we should probably arrive at the same colors as browsers do when an RGB color is specified.

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