[OS X Emacs] German quotes in Aquamacs 2.4

Jürgen Fenn schneeschmelze at googlemail.com
Thu Jan 5 18:37:17 EST 2012

>> If you fetch the Emacs 24 binary for the emacsformacosx site, you can easily install auctex using the new package installer (from memory):
>> - M-x package-refresh
>> - M-x package-install auctex
>> (You may need to require 'package first)
> It works. Thanks for the hint! Didn't know about that. It's a big step forward.

On the other hand the v24 binaries from emacsformacosx.com don't work
with my German keyboard out of the box, either. You cannot input a
backslash in LaTeX files... I give up on this one as it is for testing


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