[OS X Emacs] running in octave inferior mode

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Mar 9 08:59:23 EST 2012

Am 9.3.2012 um 11:30 schrieb Joachim Schmidtke:

> The octave binary resides in /opt/local/bin as you assumed right.
> I added your suggested command line into my .emacs file, but it does not
> make any difference. Same error message.

Did you re-launch Aquamacs after the change? What is in *shell* buffer, for example, the command

	which octave

(assuming the binary is called "octave") returning?

The (setenv ...) statement puts into Aquamacs' process environment this updated version of PATH. Invoking in *shell*

	echo $PATH

should return "/opt/local/bin:<whatever>". I.e., sub-processes in Aquamacs should as in real GNU Emacs inherit from this process environment. The "which" and "echo" commands check for this inheritance.

Another option is to invoke Aquamacs as in

	env PATH=/opt/local/bin:${PATH} open Aquamacs.app

You should also check whether a shell in xterm or Terminal or iTerm or ... shows PATH with /opt/local/bin and can tell the octave binaries. The installation of MacPorts usually updates the RC files for bash or (t)csh that PATH is extended and binaries installed with MacPorts can be found. If they're not found, then the question arises: why?

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


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