[OS X Emacs] running in octave inferior mode

Joachim Schmidtke joachim.schmidtke at gmail.com
Fri Mar 9 09:19:31 EST 2012

Dear Pete,
I re-launched Aquamacs after the change.

"which octave" shows: /opt/local/bin/octave

"echo $Path" shows:

Best regards

Am 09.03.12 21:59 schrieb "Peter Dyballa" unter <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE>:

>Am 9.3.2012 um 11:30 schrieb Joachim Schmidtke:
>> The octave binary resides in /opt/local/bin as you assumed right.
>> I added your suggested command line into my .emacs file, but it does not
>> make any difference. Same error message.
>Did you re-launch Aquamacs after the change? What is in *shell* buffer,
>for example, the command
>	which octave
>(assuming the binary is called "octave") returning?
>The (setenv ...) statement puts into Aquamacs' process environment this
>updated version of PATH. Invoking in *shell*
>	echo $PATH
>should return "/opt/local/bin:<whatever>". I.e., sub-processes in
>Aquamacs should as in real GNU Emacs inherit from this process
>environment. The "which" and "echo" commands check for this inheritance.
>Another option is to invoke Aquamacs as in
>	env PATH=/opt/local/bin:${PATH} open Aquamacs.app
>You should also check whether a shell in xterm or Terminal or iTerm or
>... shows PATH with /opt/local/bin and can tell the octave binaries. The
>installation of MacPorts usually updates the RC files for bash or (t)csh
>that PATH is extended and binaries installed with MacPorts can be found.
>If they're not found, then the question arises: why?
>Mit friedvollen Grüßen
>  Pete
>Spam will be a thing of the past in two years' time.
>				­ Bill Gates, Jan 2004
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