[OS X Emacs] aquamacs-backward-kill-word in terminal emulator

Roth Michaels roth at rothmichaels.us
Thu Mar 15 18:59:01 EDT 2012

I've recently switched to using Aquamacs from using emacs 23 in Terminal.app. So far I have loved the switch. Part of my workflow now has been to abandon Terminal.app in favor of the terminal emulator in Aquamacs. I have one problem when doing this:

When in char-mode, aquamacs-backward-kill-word and related word/line killing commands kill the word in the buffer, but this kill command is not sent to the shell. I tried rebinding M-backspace to backward-kill-word but this didn't seem to help. I never had this issue with emacs in Terminal.app or Emacs.app. Does anyone know what I need to do to change it so this word/line killing commands get sent to the shell?


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