[OS X Emacs] Syntax Highlighting using UltraTeX/ECE on Aquamacs

Fábio Santos fabio.nsantos at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 19:28:49 EDT 2012


I have just migrated from Linux to Mac, thinking that it would be easy to apply 
all my previous settings on Emacs, but I am not able to turn on 
Syntax Highlighting in Ultra-TeX mode. I have installed ECE and Aquamacs, 
turned on ultex-use-color and ultex-use-font-latex but it still doesn't work.
I have also installed plain Emacs from emacsformacosx dot org 
(David Caldwell build), put the ultratex initialization on .emacs and it didn't 
work too. Do you use ultratex? Can you help me?


Fábio Santos
Physics Department

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