[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Pipe Symbol, Danish Keyboard

Søren Haagerup soren at artofweb.dk
Mon Sep 24 04:06:44 EDT 2012

Ok, maybe I am doing something wrong, since this does not work for me.
The parentheses {} and [] does not work either (these are usually achieved
by Alt+Shift+8, Alt+Shift+9 and  Alt+8. Alt+9).

Best regards

On 9/24/12 5:07 AM, "Roland Thiers" <roland.thiers at canl.nc> wrote:

>For the "pipe symbol" in Aquamacs, I do " Shift-Alt-l", it works fine.
>Best regards, Roland Thiers
>Le 24 sept. 12 à 09:27, Søren Haagerup a écrit :
>> Hi Aquamacs users
>> I have trouble writing the "pipe symbol" (|) in Aquamacs. In emacs
>> started
>> from the terminal, it is written by "Alt + I" as usual on Danish
>> keyboard.
>> In Aquamacs, "Alt + I" results in a tab indent, which is not what I
>> wanted. How to solve this?
>> Best regards
>> Søren Haagerup
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