[OS X Emacs] best version control system to use with Aquamacs?

Peter Salazar cycleofsong at gmail.com
Fri Feb 8 17:23:30 EST 2013

Thank you.

What are the version-control tools that are "aware" of emacs Dired? So I
can move folders and files around through there?

Basically, here's what I want to do:

create, write, edit, delete, and move files in Emacs using text modes and
dired. And have a version control system save everything so I can go back
if necessary. So that if I delete, move, or rename a file using dired, it
will be tracked.

Can git do this through emacs? What about mercurial?

Which one is the easiest to use through Emacs?

On Fri, Feb 8, 2013 at 3:27 PM, René Jansen <rvjansen at xs4all.nl> wrote:

> Hi Peter,
> I would recommend git - even if you will be only using a small portion of
> it. There is already good integration in Aquamacs. I use it for everything.
> I have used rcs, cvs, svn, librarian, cmvc, pvcs, visual sourcesafe,
> panvalet, and others. There is none better, faster and more pleasant to use
> than git. It starts here: http://git-scm.com
> Your drafts will be versioned and it will enable you to see its complete
> history, and for every line when it was entered - if you colliaborate, also
> by whom. Your binary assets will disappear from your workspace as before,
> but there will be safekeeping in the version management repository.
> An added bonus is that when you put a git repository on a server, you can
> close it fast to every machine you work on. I work routinely on a number of
> machines, using OSX and Linux, and I can restart work from every one of
> them - even new machines- in a matter of seconds
> Git will also enable you to work - versioned - only locally on one machine.
> For me, at the moment, there is no alternative.
> Hope this helps ...
> best regards,
> René Jansen.
> On 8 feb. 2013, at 21:14, Peter Salazar <cycleofsong at gmail.com> wrote:
> I'm a book writer—no programming, only prose in text files, mostly in
> org-mode, some in markdown-mode.
> I want to implement a version control system for my writing projects.
> I work with two types of text files:
> 1. drafts (textfile-v1.org, textfile-v2.org, etc)
> 2. research files (research-notes.org)
> The latter, the research files, consist of hunks of text I have copy and
> pasted from the web. My workflow for the research files involves going
> through those files and deleting as I go. In other words, when I find a
> quote, I might copy it into a draft file, then delete the quote. This is my
> way of knowing what I have already processed or not. So that by the time
> my research file is blank, I know I'm done. When the research file is
> blank, I delete it so I know I'm done.
> For both these uses—writing multiple drafts, and destroying research files
> as I go—it strikes me that having a version control system would be
> helpful.
> I am NOT doing different branches as I go—just forward as I make progress
> writing my book.
> I'm using Aquamacs. Which version control system would you recommend, and
> how would I go about integrating it with my Emacs workflow?
> Thanks!
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