[OS X Emacs] Re: best version control system to use with Aquamacs?

Piotr Kalinowski pitkali at gmail.com
Mon Feb 11 08:11:43 EST 2013

Iliya Lefterov <iliya.lefterov at gmail.com> writes:

>  I tried to initiate this type of conversation 2 years ago... there was no
> meaningful response...
> I use Emacs and Aquamacs entirely for grant and manuscript writing and i
>  desperately need a working version control system;
> let see what is going to happen...

Version control systems are just working. There's no problem there. And
really, interaction with dired should not be much of a problem. You
could use Git along with Magit, which is a really nice mode for working
specifically with git. Then:

- You do whatever you want to do with files in a repository, in whatever
  way you want, and that includes moving files, and directories.

- You run M-x magit-status (although I use a handy keybinding). This
  opens up a buffer that lists state of the repository you are in
  (you'll be asked for a directory, if current working directory of
  emacs is not within a repository).

  (This is also a great entry point for whatever you want to do with
  Git, that I usually don't even close, and just keep somewhere there
  among other buffers, just refreshing the view with g.)

  Then you just select changes to be committed with s, hit c, write
  commit message, and confirm with C-c C-c.

Piotr Kalinowski

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