[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs Emacs 2.5 released

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Wed Jun 19 12:26:04 EDT 2013


On Jun 19, 2013, at 11:05 AM, Juergen Fenn <schneeschmelze at googlemail.com> wrote:

> When editing LaTeX documents I cannot search for errors in the source
> file in AUCTeX mode. After killing pdflatex in Terminal and switching
> back to the Aquamacs window AUCTeX says: "Error occured after last TeX
> file was closed." This is why it is not possible to debug TeX files.
> Could you change this behaviour back to normal, please? If not, I
> would prefer to go back to Aquamacs 2.4.

Are you not compiling within Aquamacs (C-c LaTeX)?
I don't think AUCTeX can debug errors when it doesn't get to see the TeX output.  Or, are you killing the pdflatex process?  This shouldn't be necessary.

Either way, this is probably a question best answered by the AUCTeX people (on their mailing list).  Aquamacs 2.5 does come with the new version of AUCTeX.  If there is a bug regarding its integration, I'd be happy to fix it, but so far I don't see what this could be.

> Also, Help Viewer does not work. It starts up, but it says it cannot
> open the help file.

It works correctly on OS X 10.8, and probably on 10.7 as well.

Help Viewer is problematic in general, particularly in earlier OS X versions.
Perhaps a reset can help:


I don't see why it shouldn't work with 10.6, but the Help system on OS X is very finicky.

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