[OS X Emacs] Aquamacs 3.2 crashes running Gnus 5.13

David Reitter david.reitter at gmail.com
Sat Dec 19 12:08:38 EST 2015

> On Dec 19, 2015, at 12:03 PM, Peter Davis <pfd at pfdstudio.com> wrote:
> Thanks, David. Both machines claim to be running 10.10.5, though one's a 2013 MacBook Air and the other's a 2015 MacBook Pro.

That’s not what’s intended.

Have a look at `start-aquamacs-with-args’.  Do you know how to debug Elisp?   C-u M-C-x within the function to enable debugging, then run whatever command triggers it.  You will get a debugger that’ll let you step through it (“n”, space, “i”). The value of the expression "(shell-command-to-string 
		      "/usr/bin/sw_vers | /usr/bin/awk '/ProductVersion/ {print $2}’”)” would be quite interesting to know on each machine.


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