[OS X Emacs] Print and word wrap mode

Iliya Lefterov iliya.lefterov at gmail.com
Sun Jun 7 13:58:01 EDT 2015

may not be the right answer… try:

select each paragraph, and then until the region.

i know it sounds counter productive, but this is one area with a huge difference between Emacs and Aquamacs…

have a nice weekend.

Dr. Iliya Lefterov
iliyal at pitt.edu
Iliya.lefterov at gmail.com

> On Jun 7, 2015, at 11:45 AM, Robert P. Goldman <rpgoldman at sift.info> wrote:
> I was just trying to print (using Cmd-P) a draft email that I was
> editing in aquamacs, using text mode and word wrap.
> I was dismayed to find that the printed output does *not* word-wrap, and
> instead runs the text off the right margin.
> Is there some alternate means for printing wrapped text?  Should this be
> considered a bug in Aquamacs?
> Thanks!
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